Product managers

Creative, interpreters and curious
What we do here
By nature, we are curious and creative. Always looking for new ideas or trends, to make, every time, customer and market needs meet. Our team follows every stage of the production process with passion and dedication: from the definition of the product to its industrialization, putting in all the necessary experience and care.
Customer service

The service guarantors
What we do here
Customer service is the face of the company when it comes to organizing, in an efficient way, all operations related to delivery: from order management to shipping, to final settlement. We are the point of reference par excellence in supporting our customers.
Key account managers

Dynamic and smart
What we do here
They are true globetrotters, always with a suitcase ready. When it comes to creating and nurturing relationships, our sales managers are the key players. They are the frontmen of the collections, able of grasping needs and realizing them in concrete terms. A versatile and transversal team capable of intercepting the new without neglecting the present.